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Year 6 - Owl

Welcome to Owl Class

We are 30 incredibly hard-working children who are taught by Mr Heavey.  Mrs Lee is our amazing HLTA and Mrs Davies supports us in class too.  

We love the extra responsibility that being in Year 6 brings.  We have already taken on the roles of House Captains, Act of Worship monitors and lunchtime monitors.  We hope to always set a good example to the younger children in the school and give our very best in the love of God.

We love to showcase our amazing learning.  Check out our class gallery page regularly to see all the wonderful things we have been up to!

Key information

Our PE Days in Term 1 are Wednesday and Thursday.  For safety reasons, please can we ask that children do not wear jewellery (especially earrings) or watches to school on PE days. If children have long hair, it should be tied up for PE.

Reading books will be sent home on a Friday and will need to be returned the following Friday.

Our drop-off and collection times are: 8.45am and 3.15pm.  The school bell will ring at 8.45am for us to line up on the front playground. . 

Important documents

Please see the documents below which will explain what your child will be learning in Owl Class.