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Year 4 - Rabbit

Welcome to Rabbit Class

Mr Riley,  Mrs Dolman and our team of Rabbits would like to wish you a warm welcome to our class webpage!  We are working incredibly hard, showing a huge amount of enthusiasm and an increasingly mature attitude towards our learning this year. 

Please check out our Rabbit Class Gallery page to see some of our wonderful learning so far this year.  

Key information

Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. For safety reasons, please can we ask that children do not wear jewellery (especially earrings) or watches to school on PE days. If children have long hair, it should be tied up for PE.

Reading books will be sent home on a Friday and will need to be returned the following Friday. If you need books to be changed mid-week, the children can ask to do this first thing in the morning. 

Our drop-off and collection times are: 8.45am and 3.15pm.  The school bell will ring at 8.45am for us to line up on the front playground and anyone who arrives after this will need to sign in at the school office. At the end of the day we will come out through the door next to Hedgehog Class, near the school hall.

Important documents

Please see the documents below which will explain what your child will be learning in Rabbit Class.