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Attendance matters!

Attendance and punctuality is very important to us at Derry Hill Primary School as we recognise the impact that it has on your child’s education.

Things you can do to help your child achieve!

Ensure your child attends school EVERY DAY unless your child is ill. If they are ill please ensure that you inform the school ASAP by calling the school office on 01249 812139 or reporting absence via the ParentMail app on your phone. Only keep them home if they are really unable to attend and in line with the current 'Keep Your Child at Home' guidance.

Parentmail or call school EVERY morning that your child is absent so that our attendance records are accurate and up-to-date.

Make sure your child arrives on time! Remember, doors close promptly at 8.45am so do not be late to arrive! Late comers not only miss vital lesson time but also disrupt learning for other members of the class too.

Make sure that we have all the correct contact details for you so that we can contact you about illnesses or absence.

Take your family holidays during school holidays

Holidays during term time cannot be authorised, unless there are exceptional circumstances. Should this be the case, holiday request forms are available from the school office. These must be completed in advance and sent to the Headteacher for consideration.

If your child/ren has unauthorised holiday of over 9 sessions (4.5 days) in any 6-month period of an academic year, then a Penalty Notice (fine) may be issued by the Local Authority. Details of the Local Authority Penalty Notices for unauthorised holidays in term time can be found here.

If your child falls ill at school, we will use the phone numbers you have given us to contact someone who can take your child home. Please keep us informed of any change to contact details. In an emergency we will act in loco-parentis.

Why do we care so much about your child’s attendance?